Wednesday 30 November 2011

inspiration comes at the worst of times - yay for trains!

So i've had to come to Newport for a family emergency (so sorry if i haven't updated much... ) but while on the train i noticed the the rich country side rural setting.

what did i learn?:

  • FIELDS ARE REALLY BORING!!! and I would need to find some way to make them more interesting and make them flow if I want to use them.
  • the random houses (which some are farm houses i guess) are realllly big!! damn you rich people and your nice homes!
  • houses are randomly spotted around
  • some times a few are spaced out together with large green areas and fields between them
  • usually a house flows down to a farm and stables etc..
  • some fields have streams going through them - yay for splash factor!

one area had a good flow that stood out to me:

a big farm house > flowed down to a small farm with barns and stables > flowed down to few fields with sheep > then a country road next to them flowed down to what looked like a small village with very nice big houses (could substitute for the upper class side to the town)  

i wish i could have has my camera to take photos but then the train was going so quick i wouldn't be able to focus on what i see. 

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