Thursday 1 December 2011

curse my lack of stopping trains to take photos...

so because i wasn't able to get any real evidence of how i liked how the country side looked during my train ride i've searched google for different results to get a better idea for visual inspiration.

this farm house has a dirt road going around it which in the game could act as a track and the farm house a good point of scenery/obstacle 
these houses are more open with a lake as well. the cars can drive on greenery around the house and around the lake to lead onto a road or fields 
 i like how this house is fenced off. one idea that comes to mind is that cars can drive from behind the house through fields and maybe when they reach the gate they'll have to feed through it as it is so narrow
 i love the idea of these stone walls and the wind road between the two building and fields
this reminds me more of a village style setting. the large house at the bottom of the road and other houses lines up on the side (left) and a possible field/paddock to the right? 
this is another cool layout of the farm with more of a dirt layout. it seems a lot smaller and cluttered which gives me the idea to fill the farm area with assets that players can avoid and drive around 
a church?? this give me the idea to use this type of asset as the focus for my level
i like how the church can be seen in the background from the road 
i love the whole colour scheme to this setting. the bridge in the background could make an interesting setting for the cars to drive over or even under.  
i like this whole set up of the rural village with spaced out houses with the winding road and greenery but it is all still quite close and compact 
this over view shot is really quite useful as it can help with how the level could be set up around the fields and trees but it does look too modern.

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