Thursday 8 December 2011

map development: farm/countryside part

so i've decided i want to base the start of the on the country side with a farm and fields which will then lead to an upper class side of town. 

here is my first initial thoughts of how the cars can pass through the farm area. i used a road going through the country side with a fenced off farm on one side and on the other a barn with stables. i thought about how the player can find water towers and placed one behind the stable so they can choose to keep driving down the road or go around the barn and stable to collect water.

the above idea followed onto this sketch where players will drive down the road to the farm and will be able to drive through the gate attached to a stone country side style wall which surrounds the farm. as they drive through the barn, stable and house there will be an opening to a field of crops which will then lead into the open field. players will be guided over hilly terrain where they will jump over the edge of the field back onto the road.

developing my idea further i thought about the players starting on some type of bridge which leads onto the road. they will navigate onto the fields and through their gates/fences and back onto the road which twists around a victorian manor and past the farm. players can opt the drive around the farm to get more water at a tower. then over a bridge to drive into town.

over the bridge > through gate > drive through first field > through gate > drive around 2nd field > over fence > through 3rd field > through gate back onto road > drive into farm land via gate > around buildings > optional water tower > back onto toad through broken wall

there is also an added split in the road so players have choice where to go
for the split ive thought about two different side to the track. on the left there will be a manor with a fountain and garden in front. players can jump into the fountain (possibly only if they have a speed boost) in and will gain water. on the right will be hilly terrain. this could slow them down compared to the smoother left side.

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